Leaders that Care - Ep1: Employee Engagement

Episode 1: Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement is the maximum level of involvement and investment an employee can experience in their current working situation. It’s a great predictor of employee and team performance, and yet we fail to prioritize engagement initiatives and train leaders on how to boost engagement in their teams.

In this newsletter, I’ll help you:

  • Understand what employee engagement really is
  • Access the latest research to build a robust case for employee engagement in your organization
  • Get tools and ideas to increase employee engagement in your team

Let’s get started!


Meet William Kahn, the father of Employee Engagement.

In 1990, when everyone was worried about motivation in the workplace, he publishes “Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work”.

His work was so powerful that it’s still difficult to find a better model today.

He defines it as “the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles”, dividing engagement into three clear components:

  • Psychological Safety: being able to show up at work as yourself, without fearing judgment or retaliation. You fit in without assimilation, in an environment which is built on trust and respect.
  • Psychological Meaningfulness: being fulfilled by the content of your work to the point where you feel energized by it; your work matters and you are proud of it.
  • Psychological Availability: when your body, mind and emotions are letting you do your job in the best possible way.

Leaders that understand this equation work relentlessly in the three things that matter the most:

  • creating a safe environment where everyone’s opinion is heard,
  • clarifying once and again the purpose of the roles/teams/organization, and
  • caring about employee’s wellbeing.

The research below will show you that we are still getting engagement wrong. It will also give you insightful data on how engaged employees impact the business outcomes.

Keep on reading!


Recent data on the leading predictors of employee turnover that can help you put the topic at the center in your organization.


Do you want to learn some practices to increase your team’s engagement level? Whether you like to read, listen or watch, find below some great resources for you!

BOOK - 120 pages
Humble Inquiry - The gentle art of asking instead of telling

Listening is a great resource that can help you build psychological safety and trust in your team.

Edgard Schein explains why Listening does not come naturally to us: “We are biased toward telling instead of asking because we live in a pragmatic, problem solving culture in which knowing things and telling others what we know is valued.”

He explains the different inhibitors that prevent us from listening better, and proposes Humble Inquiry as a skill that builds relationships based on genuine curiosity and interest in others.

ARTICLE - 3 minutes
What people SAY and DO when they are disengaged

In this LinkedIn article I give you a list of things that people might say and do when they are disengaged. And I connect those hints with each one of the elements of Employee Engagement (psychological safety, meaningfulness and availability).

The intention is to help you identify disengagement before you get those Pulse Survey results. And if you want to use these cues to help your team members re-engage, you can read part 2 (3 mins) where I share a coaching technique that can help you check if the red flags you spot are real signs of disengagement.

VIDEO - 15 minutes
How to tame your Advice Monster | Michael Bungay Stanier

I love this video from Michael because it shows in a fun and effective way that when you go into the advice giving mode (or the Advice Monster, as he calls it) you are in fact diminishing the capabilities of the person that is in front of you, among other things.

And, if I may add, when you give advice instead of listening, you lose the opportunity to create a strong connection and you steal the chance of a true learning moment from the other person.

Michael also gives us a simple technique to tame our advice monster and to really help others. Enjoy!

PODCAST - 35 minutes
Raising the Leadership Standard: Ep 55 - Employee Engagement

In this podcast the hosts dissect the 11 factors that Gallup defined are critical to predict employee engagement and propose pragmatic actions to tackle them. They suggest every day actions to deal with recognition, expectations, feedback, opportunities for growth, among others.


I have 20+ years of experience working in organizations on talent and leadership development, engagement and cultural transformation.
I currently run my business, where I provide leadership coaching and training to help people become their best version.


Laura Guolo

Leadership Trainer & Coach - I write a monthly newsletter to share curated content and resources on leadership and personal growth. Suscribe today!

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