Leaders that Care - Ep5: Leadership Lessons from 2022



What word would you use as a leader to describe this year?

Mine would be "restart".

This year began with a desperate need to go back to something that felt normal. However, we were forced to learn that the "new normal" was much more than just hybrid or remote work:

  • The Great Resignation followed by the Quite Quitting trend has shaken employee engagement metrics and efforts
  • The spotlight on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion dimensions pushed companies to move from words to actions and results
  • Wellness and mental health have been discussed more actively, in what looks like a much needed beginning of destigmatization

It became crystal clear that there's no going back and that leadership practices need to be redesigned in order to win the engagement and high performance of our teams.

Being an effective leader in 2022 required the recognition and understanding of:
- the profound shifts in people's expectations and priorities,
- the rise of meaningfulness and purpose, and
- our individual impact in the communities, organizations and environments we live in.

In this episode I'll share with you a selection of learning resources I found key during 2022 to navigate these changes.

On a last note, I wanted to express a big THANK YOU to this learning community that shares the goal of becoming better leaders and better people, one step at a time.

Wish y'all a wonderful end of the year and a bright 2023!

To lead differently, first we need to understand what has changed. Find below a seleccion of 3 top resources that explain shifts in people's priorities, expectations and behaviors during 2022.

Laura Guolo

Leadership Trainer & Coach - I write a monthly newsletter to share curated content and resources on leadership and personal growth. Suscribe today!

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