Leaders that Care - Ep3: The Power of Values



Did you know that September is Self Improvement Month? If you like the topic, I'll be talking all September about Self Improvement over my Instagram account.

And that's also the reason behind this episode's topic: you cannot talk personal growth without talking about Values.

(Values are) “the beliefs that are most important to you, that help you find your way in the dark, that fill you with a feeling of purpose.” - Brené Brown

I define Values as the principles that guide your life and define what's important to you. Values are the pillars over which you build and improve yourself.

As a leader, there are three main values perspectives we need to take into account:

  • Our own core values: values are tightly connected to a more fulfilling life. Only writing about and reflecting on our own values has been proven to make people feel in control and more connected to others, build stamina and improve overall wellbeing.
  • Our team member's individual values: what others value play an important role in the existence of psychological meaningfulness at work. That is, how engaged people can feel at work depends in part to the connection they see to a higher purpose and their own values.
  • Our team / organizational values: there's research that shows the connection of clear and shared corporate purpose and values and business growth (85% of purpose led companies showed positive growth).

This newsletter will cover Personal Values: definition, benefits, examples and more. You'll also find a special gift below: the exercise I use with my coaching clients to help them define their values!

Let's jump right in!

Personal Values

During my coaching practice I've seen once and again how clarifying personal values can help tremendously when facing the following situations:

  • feeling disconnected or aloof at work
  • going through transitions
  • career, company, job change
  • analyzing proposals, alternatives, opportunities

Find below four free resources that will give you a complete overview of what personal values are and the enormous benefits living to your values can bring to your professional and personal life.

"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are"
- Roy Disney

Laura Guolo

Leadership Trainer & Coach - I write a monthly newsletter to share curated content and resources on leadership and personal growth. Suscribe today!

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