
Laura Guolo

Leadership Trainer & Coach - I write a monthly newsletter to share curated content and resources on leadership and personal growth. Suscribe today!

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Leaders that Care - ep6: The Coaching Leadership Style

EPISODE 6 THE COACHING LEADERSHIP STYLE If you are concerned about how to grow your team, how to enable their autonomy and increase their capabilities, then you can probably benefit from a coaching leadership style. Although effective leaders use more than one leadership style (situational leadership), the complexity of the problems we face and the diversity of skills we need to solve these challenges make the coaching leadership style one of the must-haves. But first, why coaching? What is...

EPISODE 5 LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM 2022 What word would you use as a leader to describe this year? Mine would be "restart". This year began with a desperate need to go back to something that felt normal. However, we were forced to learn that the "new normal" was much more than just hybrid or remote work: The Great Resignation followed by the Quite Quitting trend has shaken employee engagement metrics and efforts The spotlight on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion dimensions pushed companies to...

EPISODE 4 THERE IS NO LEADERSHIP WITHOUT SELF-AWARENESS How can we lead if we cannot read our own emotions? How can we inspire and challenge if our purpose is unclear? How can we coach and develop others if we have never reflected deeply about our own passions, fears, strengths and weaknesses? We can't. Self-awareness is transformational; I've seen it in the many leaders I coached during my career and it has also helped me through my professional challenges. If you want to dramatically change...

EPISODE 3 THE POWER OF VALUES Did you know that September is Self Improvement Month? If you like the topic, I'll be talking all September about Self Improvement over my Instagram account. And that's also the reason behind this episode's topic: you cannot talk personal growth without talking about Values. (Values are) “the beliefs that are most important to you, that help you find your way in the dark, that fill you with a feeling of purpose.” - Brené Brown I define Values as the principles...

EPISODE 2 FEEDBACK DONE RIGHT When giving feedback we have been trained to always focus on the gap, address areas of improvement and point out weaknesses. In this newsletter we will explore why, if the the purpose of feedback is to help our team grow and bring their best to work, we seem not to be getting the results we want. This episode presents three alternative mindsets that will help you get feedback right: Feedback represents your own opinion, not facts Look for excellence, not...

Episode 1: Employee Engagement Employee Engagement is the maximum level of involvement and investment an employee can experience in their current working situation. It’s a great predictor of employee and team performance, and yet we fail to prioritize engagement initiatives and train leaders on how to boost engagement in their teams. In this newsletter, I’ll help you: Understand what employee engagement really is Access the latest research to build a robust case for employee engagement in...